Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Jack Sparrow

Why is Jack Sparrow postmodern? This pirate is most definitely postmodern because he thrives off of the disorder of his era. He rejects the order of the world, and cannot live without the freedom of piracy. He simply cannot live within the boundaries of the orderly system of the world. He happily celebrates all that is outlawed, which is basically his entire lifestyle. "Take what you need, give nothing back," as Jack Sparrow says it. Also, Jack Sparrow goes through life doing whatever it takes to reach his goal, and whatever he has to do to get there is fine with him. He is an example of moral relativism. However, at the end of Pirates of the Caribbean, At World's End, Jack had the struggle between right and wrong, whether to let another character die and reach his ultimate goal, or to help that character live, and by doing so sacrificing one of his sure plans to ultimate freedom. I'm not going to expand on that any further because of those who might not have seen this movie yet. If you haven't, GO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW! It's really worth watching.

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