Thursday, February 7, 2008

What is toast?

In an inadequate system of language the breakdown of words and meaning lies in the lack of sufficient knowledge on our part. For instance, Snowman in Margaret Atwood's "Toast" says, "What is flour? We'll skip that part, it's too complicated," ("Toast"). This represents all of humanity's lack of sufficient knowledge to thoroughly explain something. I would also like to point out that the snowman is named Snowman for a reason. I believe that reason is because Snowman has no significant identity, so as to enable the readers to let Snowman represent themselves, mankind, all of humanity. Putting this all together, humanity lacks the sufficient amount of knowledge to fully explain itself. Also, Snowman states, "Toast cannot be explained by any rational means," ("Toast"). This makes it clear that language cannot fully express something as simple as toast. Our brains cannot find words adequate enough to take on such a task. In conclusion, humanity's lack of knowledge results in an inadequate system of language.

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